Honeywell Jersey City Settlement
Payment Allocations
If you are a Class Member who has submitted a timely and complete Claim and Release Form to the Claims Administrator, payment was issued on July 10, 2018 in the amount determined by the Claims Administrator to be awarded to you in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. Final payment amounts can be reviewed at the link below.
To request a check re-issue, you must write to the Claims Administrator, and include your full name, address, claim number (if available), daytime telephone number with the best time of day to reach you, and a statement explaining the reason for your re-issue. Please mail your correspondence to: Honeywell Jersey City Claims Administration, c/o GCG, PO Box 10122, Dublin, OH 43017-3122 or email it to If your request is complete your check will be reissued as soon as possible.